Join the Ethical Explorations Movement with Lily Ann Fouts

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Hi, I’m Lily!

Welcome to my website. As an author and travel expert, I’m on a mission to promote sustainable, culturally sensitive travel experiences that benefit both travelers and local communities. I’ve earned the Certificate in Sustainability and Anti-Oppression in Travel and am currently writing a book on the topic of responsible travel.

Through my books, blog, and speaking engagements, I offer practical tips and inspiring stories that will help you make the most of your travels while leaving a positive impact on the world. I also offer random musings and other interesting projects I’m involved in, and I hope you enjoy these. Learn more about me on my About page.

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I’ve Been Featured In…

Rank Your Travel Options: The Second "R" of Responsible Travel cover
Responsible Travel

Rank Your Travel Options: The Second “R” of Responsible Travel

The second R (out of the 7 Rs of Responsible Travel) is Ranking. Ranking involves going a little deeper with the research (the first R) and prioritizing our options based on our personal travel goals and the best impact for the destination. Here are 4 questions you can ask to help you narrow down your decision regarding which businesses to support when you travel.

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