Holiday Letter 2014

Holiday Letter 2014

Greetings from Fort Collins, Colorado! I started this 2014 “holiday letter” about a month and a half ago and things have been a real whirlwind since then!  Let’s see…where was I? After many months of working on an earthbag house in Kansas, Keith is back to work in on an official, paying job.  He worked…

Cistern Part II

Cistern Part II

A few weeks back I wrote a post about the rainwater cistern we’re building.  We’ve made a lot of progress since then!  My newest video shows the cistern from dream to (almost) done! This cistern, made of earthbags like the rest of the house, will be the primary source of water for the house.  We’ll…

Ground Insulation

Protecting the House from Cold and Moisture One of the major things to consider when building a house is how to protect it from moisture and temperature extremes.  Here’s a video I filmed (a couple of months back now) on how Keith protected the foundation of the earthbag house from the elements using natural and reused building…


Cistern and Utility Room The most unusual and complex part of the earthbag house is the utility room, containing a 3,000 gallon rainwater cistern.  This room is the center of operations from which the electricity, sewer and water supply will be controlled.  It is also recessed into the ground with double-thick walls below ground level,…

Earthbag Mixture

Earthbag Mixture This being an earthbag house, one of the primary tasks involved in building it is making the mixture to put into the earthbags. We start out with the piles of clay that have been dug up around the building site.  My father-in-law, Lee, made mud pits–like kiddie pools–with boards and plywood and tarps, and…

Gravel Walls

The Walls are Coming! I’m so excited to be past the trenching and foundation stage and working on the actual walls!  We’ve hired some helpers to come out during the week, and on the weekends sometimes Denise and Jeff come out and may bring friends to help as well.  Thanks to the additional hands, things are moving…